So, back in late August – don’t judge me – it’s been soooooo busy. Starting again, so August was the month of our annual Romance Writers of Australia conference, and it was crazy mad and good in all the ways a conference should be good.

Author Cathleen Ross, Kaz, author Kandy Shepherd

L-R, author Annie West, Kaz, author Michelle Douglas
It was held at the Stamford at Glenelg Beach, a suburb of Adelaide which is the capitol of South Australia if you’re not from around here. (Fun Fact – in case you didn’t notice: Glenelg is a palindrome. See? It can be spelled backwards.)
Of course there was talking, and laughing and dancing, and meeting up with friends I often only see once a year – given the tyranny of distance – and it was just such fun. Oh, and we also had some great speakers and did some fabulous workshops. How could I have forgotten that part? Just kidding.

Anne Gracie, Kaz
The first evening event is a fancy-dress, cocktail party that’s always a great ice breaker for those who are still finding their way around or are new to the association and conference. The second night is our formal awards dinner and possibly – yes it’s a big call – my fave night of the year. This year, sadly, I had to forgo the dancing and that almost broke me, but I rallied, and as always it was sad after four days to actually tear ourselves away and go back to our hermit-like lives as professional authors.

Tropes cocktail party: One bed.
I came back to a deadline, several as it turned out! Book #4 in The Halligans of Montana, (still ongoing) revisions on book #3, promo articles, cover info for Book #4, workshop to create and present, and detailed synopses of my 6 book cozy mystery series, The Hart of Texas Murder Mysteries) for another project – to name just a few. But, whereas the conference can often be exhausting, I came back energized and ready for attack, so I’m slowly getting through my to-do list.
I’m adding a few photos of the event here. In fact, it will be photo heavy – and apologies for the awkward placement – but truly, you should see how many I had to leave out!
Thank you once more for hanging out with me. It’s always appreciated! And don’t forget I’m still looking for reviewers for The Cowboy’s Baby Surprise, and indeed for the entire Halligan series. A free ebook will be supplied to genuine reviewers. Contact me here
Biggest hugs,
Kaz xxxxx
Buy The Cowboy’s Baby Surprise? All platforms here.

Authors Fiona McArthur and Shannon Curtis, obvs clowning around.

My roomies Linda, left, and Erin, right, hanging out with a shark named Terri…

BJ Daniels

Who knew you could have so much fun with a cutout?